About Us

Company Information


Why PRYORity Training and Development


Client Listing

Julia Pryor Belinski

Charles F. Belinski


PRYORity Training and Development - Company Information

We are Developers of Multimedia Training, Web-Based Training (eLearning) and Mobile-Based Training (mLearning).

PRYORity Training and Development produces custom training that is delivered on personal computers, laptops, or tablets - through CD-ROM's and DVD-ROM's, company internal networks, corporate Intranets, and across the Internet.

In addition to new custom developed traning materials, we specialize in the conversion of existing traditional standup and workbook-based training materials into eLearning and mLearning, including testing and tracking.

PRYORity Training and Development also provides training and development assistance on a variety of multimedia and training development software tools and techniques.

see Services At A Glance